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Gina Adams Carvings & Paintings

Welcome to Gina Adam’s official website.

Learn about the artist, her process, and her philanthropy.

All Proceeds go to Charity

Alberni-Clayoquot BC SPCA Branch

Nature Trust of British Columbia

Gina Adams

Gina Adams

Artist, Musician ,Farmer, Vegetarian, Lover of Nature. One Earth, One Heart.

One of Gina’s core values is that no living tree is cut for her to carve.  That’s why “Windfall” is part of her website name.  It’s infinitely more challenging to carve old wood but this is what she’s chosen.

Gina has spent most of her life in Hilliers.  No formal training informs her art.  Instead her creations often simply emerge as though a soul of a creature lives in the wood, on the page, or in the keyboard waiting to be revealed.

Gina is a good neighbour and great friend, rising to the occasion when pets or livestock get loose.

Gina has a wonderful collection of four legged hairy family members, horses, dogs, cats, chickens.  Her two legged collection of friends are pretty cool and somewhat eclectic.

Gina is also a philanthropist – proceeds from all her creations go to charities she believes in from forest conservation, to SPCA needs, and other worthy causes.

Carving Out a Better World

Oasis Magazine – Fall Issue.

The Laughing One

How Gina got her start in carving

Gina used to give away fallen tree to carvers. One day she noticed a rejected piece. It had been on the ground for over twenty years and was full of knots. In it she saw an image and roughed it out for fun.  The knot where the mouth was, sprung open like a mouth.  Gina made use of the many knots in this piece and before long her carving took on a life of its own. 

Gina has taken on many pieces since, she prefers 100 percent creative control and will not do commissions.  She ‘carves’ away time in the evenings devoted to carving and does not like to be disturbed.

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